Seriously Good Series for Young Readers
Maybe it was The Chronicles of Narnia, Nancy Drew, The Hardy Boys, or The Hunger Games. Or perhaps Encyclopedia Brown, The Baby-Sitters Club, Goosebumps, or Junie B. Jones. Many of us can fondly recall the series that enthralled, delighted, disgusted, or horrified our younger selves—and awakened a lifelong love of reading.
Whether the young reader in your life is looking for their next great reading adventure for the summer, or has yet to discover the books that'll keep them reading until Labour Day, check out these selections from our print and digital collections. You can borrow physical copies from your local branch or download a digital version using an app or website.
Digital Downloads
OverDrive is our most popular source for digital books. OverDrive books can be read on your laptop or downloaded onto your tablet, phone, or eReader and accessed using Libby, OverDrive's app.
Check out these sensational series
Dragon Masters has it all! Dragons, a Dragon Stone, a king, a wizard and magic! Follow along with four eight-year-old Dragon Masters-in-training and learn how they connect with their dragons and how they discover their dragon’s special powers. Is your young reader keen on fantasy and the creatures that come with it?
Explore the full series: Dragon Masters
Meet Zoey, a would-be veterinarian, and her side kick Sassafras. Together they help a new magical animal with a problem that must be solved using science. This set is a great way to spark a love of both science and reading. Perfect for animal lovers too!
Explore full series: Zoe And Sassafras
An action-packed and hilarious animal fantasy adventure that introduces readers to some realities of the animal kingdom. This series will both tickle your funny bone and warm your heart.
Explore full series: The Lost Rainforest
The series follows two Indigenous foster children, Morgan and Eli, who discover a secret portal in an unfinished attic room. It takes them to the frozen world of the Misewa, a community in crisis. David A. Robertson weaves a captivating tale that will invite young readers into a new world and way of thinking.
Explore full series: The Misewa Saga
Welcome to CHERUB, a division of the British Security Service that employs children, predominantly orphans, age 10 to 17, as intelligence agents. Follow the CHERUB agents as they slip under adult radar and obtain information that sends criminals and terrorists to jail. This series builds a world that almost feels like a video game. Introduce it to your gamer book worms.
Explore full series: CHERUB
Meet Kiranmala, interdimensional demon slayer! Turns out there might be some truth to her parents' fantastical stories-like how Kiranmala is a real Indian princess and how she comes from a secret place not of this world. This empowering series stretches gender stereotypes and imagination.
Explore full series: Kiranmala And The Kingdom Beyond
And when they want more—more—more!
To make it even easier to dig into a series, check out our bundled kits. Junior Series Starter kits include the first few books in a popular series for middle grade readers, and Box Sets In a Bag are a set of 3 or 4 books for teens.
Want more recommendations? Our friendly staff members are always happy to suggest titles that will engage your reader. Or try out our Handpicked For You service! Submit an online request, and we’ll pull together a curated list of suggested titles or a bundle of books that you can pick up at your local branch.