The library is like a garden at harvest time. The bounty can be overwhelming! So, let us help you find the perfect bouquet of books (and more!) with our Handpicked For You service.
Click the green "Request" button on this page—in the lower right corner of your screen—to open the Handpicked For You form. Then choose one of our two options.
A Bundle of Items to Pick Up
We'll ask for information about who the bundle is for, what topics interest you, and how many items you'd like. Then our helpful staff will do the "shopping" for you. Finally, we'll email you when your bundle is ready to pick up at your preferred location. This is a great option for busy families and folks with mobility challenges. If you'll be sending someone to pick up a bundle on your behalf, just let us know who will be collecting it.
A Digital List of Suggestions
Looking for recommendations for your next great read/watch/listen? Tell us about your reading interests, favourite authors, and anything to avoid. Our librarians will thoughtfully curate a short list of titles they think you'll love. Then, we will email you a digital list of links to these items in our catalogue, generally within two business days.
Happy Reading!
Our book-loving, knowledgeable staff is what sets us apart from big-box and online retailers. We invite you to explore this service and let our team help you discover items in our collection that you may have yet to find on your own.
Handpicked For You is brand new to BPL. As we grow this service, please share your feedback so we can improve. Happy reading!