seed library logo superimposed on a close-up of a sunflower bloom
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Seed Library is Open!

When trees start to bud and plants poke up from the soil, unsurprisingly, our thoughts turn to outside pleasures, where gardening tops the list for many Burlingtonians. This year's seasonal Seed Library welcomes you with an abundance of vibrant flowers, flavourful vegetables, and aromatic herbs, perfect for every gardener, no matter your level of experience.

The idea behind Seed Library is for residents to have a total growing cycle experience—from sowing and growing to harvesting and seed saving. Seed Library provides "try-it" sample packages of plant seeds specifically selected with easy seed harvesting in mind. And while returning seeds is not a requirement for borrowing, we'd love to get seeds back from your successful crops. With your help, as we grow our 'homegrown' collection, we'll create seed stocks best suited for our climate. That's great news for local gardeners!

Check out the complete Seed Library collection for spring 2024. Many seed types can be started indoors, while others can wait to be sown directly in your garden or patio planter as it warms up outdoors and the risk of frost is gone.

Once you've chosen the seeds you want to plant, please visit a staff member to check them out. As a seed borrower, you are now part of a vibrant community of gardeners. We kindly ask that you respect the Seed Library is a shared and limited public resource. Each family can check out up to three seed packages, ensuring that everyone has a chance to participate.

We'll also help you avoid guessing how to plant or save seeds. Throughout the growing season, we'll offer booklists and programs with practical tips to aid your gardening efforts.