Updates to Borrowing at BPL
We are starting January off with some changes to popular BPL services and collections in order to give more people access to our collection. These changes will be effective as of January 16, 2023.
Here's what to expect:
- The highly anticipated return of return of Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
- Removing the limit of only two Lucky Express items
- Magazine loan period is changing from 21 days to 7 days
Interlibrary Loan
After a pause during the pandemic, Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service returns to Burlington Public Library on January 16. When the library doesn't own a title you want to borrow, you can suggest that we acquire it. With the reintroduction of the ILL service, we may borrow items that qualify for this service from another library instead of buying them for our collection. ILL helps us stretch our collection budget—and get the desired titles into your hands. You must have a BPL library card number to be eligible for BPL’s ILL service. BPL cardholders can request up to three interlibrary loans a month.
We strive to ensure our ILL process is equitable and sustainable for Burlington Public Library members:
- Print only; no audiovisual or electronic items.
- Items must be from other Ontario libraries.
- Requested titles must be at least two years old.
- The title is not in our BPL collection.
- The title is not in the Kilbride or Hayden school library collections or at libraries where BPL cardholders have reciprocal borrowing privileges (Hamilton, Oakville, Milton, Halton Hills)
- ILL items are loaned for 21 days and are not renewable.
Remember to check our online catalogue before submitting your request. Please complete a Suggest a Title form for each ILL request; one title per form. If an item is acquired through ILL, you can monitor its status in your MyBPL account under My Borrowing > ILL Requests. We will notify you when your ILL item is ready for you to pick up at your preferred branch.
More Lucky Express
We want to remove barriers so you can get popular titles quicker than ever.
Now that our Lucky Express collection has grown, we will no longer have a limit of two books and two DVDs. Please make sure to return these items on time so we can continue to provide many customers with access to these high-demand titles.
Magazine Loan Period Now 7 Days
You asked and we listened! Changing our magazine loan period from 21 days to seven days in response to overwhelming customer feedback.
This change speeds up the opportunity for users to receive magazines holds in a timely fashion since many of these items are seasonal and time sensitive.
Magazines can be renewed up to 10 times if there are no holds on them. Want quick access with a longer borrowing period? Almost all of our magazines are available online through OverDrive and Pressreader! With OverDrive, and its app, Libby, these digital titles can be borrowed for 7-, 14- and 21-day periods.
Learn more about digital magazines in our BPL News & Reviews article.
Please Make Note of These Changes
Please remember that all these changes are effective as of January 16. Thank you for your cooperation as we make these adjustments.