BPL Book Sale is Back!
Readers: Save Saturday, May 25 for the biggest book sale of the year! Our super-sized sale will be in Centennial Hall at Central Branch from 9am to 5pm.
Since the runaway success of our September book sale, we have continued our in-depth review of our print, DVD, and CD collections, and we're thrilled to offer another amazing shopping opportunity to Burlington book lovers.
"We always want to ensure our collections are relevant and desirable to our community," says Cody Vanderslot, Digital Resources & Collections Manager. "Our print collection continues to be hugely popular, so it's vital for us to keep it in top shape."
With a physical collection of over 350,000 books, DVDs, CDs, and magazines, continuous maintenance of the Library’s collection is a big project. Vanderslot and his team look at data such as the last date borrowed and the number of times an item has been loaned since it joined the library’s collection. Other factors like relevance, currency, condition, historic value, representation, and maintaining a complete series are also considered.
"We use a data-driven approach to ensure we keep what our customers want and remove what they don’t," says Vanderslot. "All of this work behind the scenes makes our collections more searchable and enjoyable to browse so readers can find what they’re looking for."
The main purpose of collection maintenance is to improve our collections for the community, not to remove items. Since the sale last fall, we have added over 12,000 new items, not including digital items. Many of the removed items were extra copies of titles we continue to own and outdated resources that have been replaced with more current information.
So Many Books!
With summer approaching, it's a great time to stock up on leisure reads to toss in your beach bag. We hear there will be plenty of romance, mysteries, science-fiction, westerns, graphic novels, adult fiction and non-fiction, and picture books!
The sale includes paperbacks, hardcovers, large-type, picture books, board books, DVDs, CDs, audiobooks, and magazines for all ages. Everything will be on display for browsing in Centennial Hall and the tables will be restocked throughout the day.
Shoppers can buy a sturdy Books Make Me Happy zippered canvas book bag at the sale and stuff it full of sale items for $15—one price for the bag and the books.
Alternately, items are priced individually for those toting their own bags:
- Print books: $1
- All audio-visual items (DVDs, CDs, audiobooks): $2 each or 3 for $5
- Magazines: 4 for $1
The Library accepts payment by cash, debit, and credit. The book sale is all about building a library collection that Burlington wants. Book sale proceeds will go back into the library to help make your experience even better!
We look forward to seeing you at the BPL Book Sale!