Kit Information

Kits provide a convenient all-in-one experience—for book clubs, enthusiastic readers, birdwatching hobbyists, and people who care for those with dementia. And series kits and box sets are a great way to bundle your reading choices! Lost or damaged kits will be charged a replacement fee. View our Fees & Charges Policy

Burlington Public Library, in partnership with Birds Canada, offers Birding Kits, which include everything you need to observe wild birds in their natural habitat. Enjoy the discovery of wild birds in Burlington.

Each kit contains: 1 Pair of Vortex Crossfire HD 8X42 Binoculars With Strap, 1 Vortex Branded Binocular Case, 1 Microfiber Lens Cleaning Cloth, 4 Laminated Seasonal Local Bird Legends, 2 Bird Guide Books, 1 Birds Canada Survey, 1 Binocular Instructions Sheet, and 1 Birds Canada Backpack

  • Kits can be borrowed for up to seven days.
  • Library cardholders are responsible for the proper use and return of library materials and agree to pay fees for materials that are lost, missing, or otherwise not returned.
  • Return the complete kit to the check-in desk at any branch during open hours. The kit's content is listed on a label attached to the backpack

Borrow a Birding Kit

Bob Books is a first-reader series designed to give young children the tools to cross from learning letters to reading words in a simple and straightforward way. The clean layout, short words, and simple phonics make learning to read a fun and natural step for a child who knows the alphabet.

Each set contains 12 boxes, progressing from books with three-letter words to books with more than one sentence per page.

Pre-Reading Skills: two different boxes

Stage 1: three different boxes

Stage 2: four different boxes

Stage 3: three different boxes

  • Boxes are bagged individually and contain different numbers of books inside.
  • All boxes are holdable and renewable.

Borrow a Bob Books Set

We have selected a variety of excellent books that are certain to generate plenty of discussion. Each kit contains 12 books and a book club discussion guide.

Bonus! To help book club hosts keep track of who borrows which book in the kit, here's a handy tracking sheet to print out!

  • Up to two Book Club Kits may be borrowed on your library card at one time.
  • The loan period for a kit is 60 days. A book club kit may be renewed unless there is a hold on it.
  • Book Club Kits must be checked out as a complete set.
  • Due to high demand, we do not take advanced bookings for these kits. Kits are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Kits can be sent to your preferred library branch for pick-up.
  • Return the complete kit to the check-in desk at any branch during open hours. The kit's content is listed on a label attached to the bag.
  • The Library will bill the borrower's library card for any lost or damaged Book Club Kit items.

Browse our Book Club Kit collection

Popular book series geared to teens, Each set contains 2-3 books or graphic novels.

  • Loan period: 4 weeks. The loan may be renewed unless there is a hold on it.
  • The Library will bill the borrower's library card for any lost or damaged kit items.

Borrow a Box Set in a Bag

Cognitive Care Kits help support the skills and abilities of people living with early-, mid-, and late-stage dementia. Our collection of 20 unique dementia-friendly kits contains an assortment of prepared activities, games, and workbooks that encourage social engagement and success with daily activities.

The kits are geared to those who have (or care for someone with) cognitive impairment from a disease such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, or Huntington’s. They are based on kits provided to Acclaim Health clients.

  • Kits are free to borrow with a valid Burlington Public Library card.
  • Loan period: 3 weeks
  • One kit may be borrowed on your library card at a time.
  • Kits are not renewable but may be exchanged for other kits.

Borrow a Cognitive Care Kit

Early Years Engineering Kits are a collection of books and toys designed to encourage and support young children ages three years and older in developing a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) mindset and learning about various forms of engineering. Each kit contains open-ended STEM materials, a brochure with play prompts, and information on supporting STEM play for caregivers.

Each kit contains one picture book, an Adult STEM book, a laminated brochure, a toy/manipulative, and a tote. 

  • Borrow and return the complete kit to the check-in desk at any branch during open hours.
  • Kits are free to borrow with a valid Burlington Public Library card.
  • Loan period: 7 days
  • Library cardholders are responsible for the proper use and return of library materials and agree to pay fees for materials that are lost, missing, or otherwise not returned.
  • The kit's content is listed on the inside of the lid of the tote.

Borrow an Early Years Engineering Kit

Children understand and deal with dying and death differently than adults. Grief Kits were developed in collaboration with Lighthouse for Grieving Children in Oakville, for parents and caregivers helping children with mental and emotional health concerns related to grief and grieving.

Each Grief Kit contains one picture book, an accompanying activity for children, and information resources for caregivers. The kits include everything needed to engage in the activity.

  • Loan period: 21 days. The loan may be renewed up to three times unless there is a hold on it.
  • You can borrow one kit at a time and place up to two kits on hold.
  • The kit's content is listed on the tote's tag.
  • Please return the complete kit to the branch check-in desk, not in the drop box.
  • The Library will bill the borrower's library card for any lost or damaged kit items.

Borrow a Grief Kit

Burlington Public Library has over 50 different jigsaw puzzles available to borrow with your BPL card number. Our collection includes children’s floor and table puzzles, Family puzzles with different size pieces so beginners and experts can work together, and easy-handling puzzles with large pieces. We carry 500-, 1000-, and 2000-piece puzzles.

Find out which puzzles are in stock and ready to borrow by typing "jigsaw puzzle” in the catalogue search field.

  • Loan period: 3 weeks
  • You can borrow up to 2 puzzles at a time and place 10 holds.
  • A puzzle can be renewed unless there is a hold on it.

Our puzzles are borrowed throughout the Burlington community, which may result in missing pieces. If you come across a puzzle with missing pieces, please make a note of the number of missing pieces on the card inside the puzzle container. Please do your best to return all the puzzle pieces.

Borrow a Jigsaw Puzzle

Middle-grade readers can dive deep into a series with these box sets. Each set contains 3 to 4 books or graphic novels.

  • Loan period: 4 weeks. The loan may be renewed unless there is a hold on it.
  • The Library will bill the borrower's library card for any lost or damaged kit items.

Borrow a Junior Starter Series Set

Books in the Little Leveled Readers series are not too easy or too hard—they're just right! That's because they've been carefully evaluated by a reading specialist to correspond with the Scholastic Guided Reading levels. Kits contain 4 to 5 books. Levels A-D have 3 sets each, and Levels E-H have 2 sets.

  • Loan period: 3 weeks. The loan may be renewed unless there is a hold on it.
  • The Library will bill the borrower's library card for any lost or damaged kit items.

Borrow a Little Leveled Readers Set

Mindfulness Kits are designed for parents and caregivers to help children with mental and emotional health concerns related to anxiety and worry.

Developed in collaboration with Reach Out Centre for Kids (ROCK) in Burlington, each Mindfulness Kit contains one picture book, an accompanying activity for children, and information resources for caregivers. The kits include everything needed to engage in the activity.

  • Loan period: 21 days. The loan may be renewed up to three times unless there is a hold on it.
  • You can borrow one kit at a time and place up to two kits on hold.
  • The kit's content is listed on the tote's tag.
  • Please return the complete kit to the branch check-in desk, not in the drop box.
  • The Library will bill the borrower's library card for any lost or damaged kit items.

Borrow a Mindfulness Kit

Each themed kit is filled with assorted books, activity sheets, props, and puppets—perfect for a literacy-based interactive playtime with your preschooler.

  • Loan period: 3 weeks. The loan may be renewed unless there is a hold on it.
  • The Library will bill the borrower's library card for any lost or damaged kit items.

Borrow a Read & Play Kit

Sensory kits are primarily for neurodiverse people in the community, including those with autism. BPL worked with Autism Canada to ensure these sensory kits meet various needs, including distracting and distressing background noises, visual sensitivity, and over-stimulation. Each item works to help our customers relax, focus, and calm, allowing them to connect and feel welcome in our library spaces.

Each kit contains: 1 Pair of noise-reducing ear covers, 1 pair of tinted safety glasses, 1 squishy ball fidget item, 1 bubble pop fidget item, 1 spiky ball fidget item, 1 liquid motion bubble timer, 1 finger spinner, 1 glow baton, 1 Autism Canada backpack

  • Borrow and return the complete kit at the branch check-out desk.
  • Kits are free to borrow with a valid Burlington Public Library card.
  • Loan period: 3 hours inside the library.
  • Library cardholders are responsible for the proper use and return of library materials and agree to pay fees for materials that are lost, missing, or otherwise not returned.
  • The kit's content is listed on a label attached to the backpack