Pick A Puzzle!
Just in time for the backyard party-and-cottage season—jigsaw puzzles are here! Starting on June 28, Burlington Public Library members can select from over fifty puzzles to borrow.
This new collection is geared to dissectologists (a fancy word for jigsaw puzzle enthusiasts!) of all ages and abilities: floor and tabletop puzzles for children, larger piece puzzles for beginners, family puzzles that are large at one end and small on the other so beginners and experts can work together, 500-piece puzzles for the intermediate puzzler, and 1000- and 2000-piece puzzles for the experts out there!
Where to Find Them
Browse and borrow from the puzzles displayed at your branch or explore the complete puzzle collection by typing jigsaw puzzle into the main search box at the top of every page on our website and online catalogue. Simply place a hold for a particular puzzle through your My BPL online account, and we’ll send it to your home branch for you to pick up. You may place up to ten puzzles on hold.
You can borrow up to two puzzles at a time for three weeks if there are no holds on the item. And you can renew your loan if no one is waiting for the item. The loan period for puzzles that have a waitlist is two weeks.
About Those Missing Pieces
Like any item in a shared community collection, we understand that sometimes things go missing. So, we’re counting on your help to monitor missing puzzle pieces. Inside each puzzle container, there is a card in a pocket. Once you’ve assembled the puzzle, we ask that you note the date and number of missing pieces on this card.
If more pieces are missing since the last entry on the card, please thoroughly search your home and yard before returning the puzzle. And if you discover a missing piece later, please bring it to any branch and give it to a staff member. We’ll happily take it and find its proper home!
Here's a fun puzzle fact! The piece count on puzzles is not precise. Typically a 100-piece puzzle has 104 pieces, 500 pieces is closer to 513, a 1000-piece puzzle has about 1026, and so on. The number of pieces depends on the puzzle's dimensions and is rounded down to the closest size on the puzzle description. So, if you count more than 100 pieces, that's normal—and they all need to be returned.
Plunge into an entertaining jigsaw puzzle from your public library this summer! They're free to borrow and good for you, too!