Birding Kits Land at BPL
Bird watching kits have hit the shelves at Burlington Public Library. The backpacks are filled with everything you need for a beginner's birding excursion.
What's in the birding kits?
These kits were assembled in partnership with Birds Canada and Vortex Optics. They contain:
- Vortex Optics binoculars in a wearable, soft-shell case
- a laminated photo identification guide for Halton Region birds
- two bird guides:
Peterson Field Guide to Birds of North America, Second Edition
Peterson Field Guides: The Young Birder's Guide to Birds of North America
Birds Canada, a charitable organization aimed at increasing understanding, education, and conservation of birds in Canada has great tips for beginner birders. They recommend looking for movement and listening for sounds whenever you are outside. Once you see a bird, lock your eyes onto it and raise your binoculars to align them with your view. Check out their website before borrowing a birding kit so you can learn more about starting out.
Borrowing a birding kit
We will have birding kits available for borrowing at each of our branches. Customers will be able to borrow a kit for a one week period.
We expect these kits will be very popular, and will likely have a wait list. Customers can put a hold on a kit to join the borrowing queue.
Birding in Burlington
Burlington was declared an official "Bird-Friendly City" this year. Birding has become a popular activity in Burlington and there are many places to spot feathered friends. Check out species lists and birding tips from these local organizations.
Protect the birds!
Are you a bird lover? The best way to support local birds is to support their environment. Check out these great environmental booklists and help improve bird habitats.